Two weeks ago my husband told me that he was not feeling well. He thought that he should get checked out. I suggested the doctor's office, he suggested the ER. Guess where we went? He would not tell me why, just that he needed to go there. He goes to the triage nurse and they immediately take him to a room in the ER. It turns out he has gotten a sudden flutter in his heart. Terms like PVC & PAC were being used. It comes down to the fact that parts of his heart were 'firing' before they should. He had develop a heart arrhythmia. They did blood work..they came back elevated. It was decided rather quickly that he needed to be admitted and would undergo a stress test first thing in the morning. This scared the crap out of me. I mean, this was my big strong man. He promised me forever and a day. We were a long way away from that.
While he was taking his stress test, I learned that both his grandfathers had heart surgery. When he came back he was sweaty, but feeling great. The arrhythmia went away during exercise. The doctor couldn't believe it. The results were great! It was determined that his arrhythmia was caused my some cold medicine that he was taking. It had irritated his heart. He was released later on.
To say that I was relieved would be the understatement of the year. I couldn't believe that we were given a second chance. I took this as a challenge..I was going to make sure this did not happen again. I dove into the vegan and vegetarian cookbooks that we own. I debated on the best course of action. Of course there have been signs along the way that we need to change what we eat. I was diagnosed with High Blood Pressure. We were both told to loose weight. Our children are following in our footsteps.
I am going to make a change.
Irish Pub Cream Cheese
1 day ago
Looks like this blog is right up my alley! :)
I used to be a vegetarian before I met my husband and I never thought I could persuade him to go vegan, but that was actually the easy part.
I am glad that there was nothing seriously wrong with your husband :)
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